Anxiety Canada: This is the best "one-stop-shop" I know of online that has up-to-date, reputable, and clear self-help information on anxiety for kids and adults
International OCD Foundation: IOCDF is a fantastic nonprofit that supports advocacy, treatment, and research on OCD. I am a faculty member of their Behavior Therapy Training Institute, which is an initiative that trains clinicians in how to do exposure and response prevention therapy. There is lots of good information on here.
Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety. This is a website my colleagues at Baylor College of Medicine and I have been working on that guides kids and their parents through a self-directed cognitive behavioral therapy program targeting anxiety. There is a lot of supplemental information for autistic kids with anxiety disorders included as well.
Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD: A Scientifically Proven Program for Parents by Eli Lebowitz, PhD. This book guides parents on changes they can make that will help their child overcome anxiety or OCD. My colleagues and I have tested this book in conjunction with brief therapist support in a research study that showed it provides significant relief for the majority of families who work through it.
Getting Over OCD: A 10-Step Workbook for Taking Back Your Life by Jon Abramowitz, PhD. This is a self-help book for adults with OCD based on the gold standard treatment principles for people struggling with OCD
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